Check out our video about the fence we use for our dogs when camping – on YouTube!

I see the question in Facebook groups all the time… “What do you use for dogs when you’re camping?” “How do you keep your dogs contained when camping?” “What’s the best option for camping with dogs?”

We bought a heavy duty fence from a local Facebook Marketplace seller (think Amazon surplus or returns!), but there are lots of options available on Amazon.

We use one 30″ set of panels along the travel trailer because it goes under the stairs perfectly. Then for the other three sides we use two sets of 40″ tall panels. Each set is 8 panels.

We store/transport the panels in the trailer. Just pop off the dinette table and line them up (I bundle them in sets of 4 panels to keep them contained, and manageable going up and down those stairs!)

We have links to some Amazon options in the video description.

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